PSHE Drop Down Days

PSHE education is taught in form time and through drop down calendared days where pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in the modern world.

Students in year 7 took part in their first drop down day on Tuesday 3rd January. They were taught sessions in First Aid, Healthy Eating, Yoga and Relaxation Exercises and Circle Time. They also received a talk from the Nurse about Puberty, and one about mental well-being from a Clinical Psychologist.

Their next drop down day will be on Monday 16th April. Youth workers will be delivering the following topics: Staying Safe. Knife Crime, Online Safety, Substance Misuse and Emotional Health and Wellbeing.

Year 9 students are preparing for their first drop down day on February 20th. Students will be taking part in lessons in First Aid and Yoga. They will also be developing communication and leadership skills by taking part in organised activities at Ladywell’s Adventure Playground. In the afternoon all students will be watching a performance of Shadow Games which is an outreach project commissioned by the borough to increase awareness of safeguarding issues and community resilience.

Year 8 drop down day will take place in the summer term.

Posted on 8th February 2018